May 6

Topic:  Spatial History, VR and AR in History


•  Addison, Alonzo C., "Emerging Trends in Virtual Heritage," in IEEE Multimedia. April-June 2000. pp. 22-25. [Course Pack]

Bonnett, John, "A Plea for Design: Historians, Digital Platforms, and the Mindful Dissemination of Content and Concepts," in Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 25(2): 189-231. [Course Pack]

•  Cunfer, Geoff, "Causes of the Dust Bowl," in Past Time, Past Place: GIS for History  (Redlands, CA: ESRI Press, 2002): 93-104 [Course Pack]

Frischer, Bernard, "Introduction:  From Digital Illustration to Digital Heuristics," in Beyond Illustration: 2D and 3D Digital Technologies as Tools for Discovery in Archaeology Eds. Bernard Frischer and Anastasia Dakouri-Hild. BAR International Series.  (1805): v-xxiv.  Available on-line at:

•  Lutz, John S., Patrick A. Dunae, Jason Gilliland, Don Lafrenière, and Megan Harvey, "Turning Space Inside Out: Spatial History and Race in Victorian Victoria," in Historical GIS Research in Canada (Calgary, AB:  University of Calgary Press, 2014): 1-25 [Course Pack] 

•  Rauch, Jonathan, "Seeing Around Corners," in The Atlantic.  April 2002.  Available on-line at:

•  Shilkrot, Roy, Nick Montfort and Pattie Maes, "nARratives of Augmented Worlds," 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Media, Art, Social Science, Humanities and Design (ISMAR-MASH'D), Munich, 2014, pp. 35-42.  Available on-line at:



Instructor:  Andrew Roth and John Bonnett

Morning (9-12)


Seminar: Discussion of Readings

Demonstration and Hands-on Session: Augmented Reality Applications and Adobe 123D


Afternoon (1-4)

Hands-on Session: SketchUp


Course Pack Readings [In Resources Folder]


3D Modeling Lecture


3D Modeling PowerPoint Slides